Strategic Plan 2024-2026

We advocate strongly for Intermediate Middle Schooling matters, ākonga and our members.


We advocate strongly for Intermediate Middle Schooling matters, ākonga and our members. Ensuring that we are strong advocates on key working groups, to ensure we are visible and have a voice within key educational matters. We are strategic in our contributions and maintain a clear focus on the issues that impact adolescent learners, in an educational landscape that is going through significant changes. We facilitate opportunities supported by research, for leadership and teacher development for age and stage appropriate learning.

The Emerging Adolescent and NZAIMS Philosophy:

NZAIMS “Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa” believes…. the emerging adolescent is a very special and unique age group to teach. It takes a balance of teaching knowledge, relationship building, caring and humour to be successful with intermediate middle school children. Children of this age are developing self-identity, opinions and an understanding of the world around them, and it takes people with a specific skill set and understanding to nurture them.

We have a strong passion and commitment to developing programmes that support the academic, sporting, social and cultural development of our students. Our responsibility is to provide a high quality education within a safe, respectful and supportive environment.

In the New Zealand Curriculum ‘Learning in Years 7-10’ is listed as its own learning pathway. Research indicates that these years are second only in developmental learning to the first 3-5 years of life. Research also suggests that the middle years of learning is the time when young people begin to make choices as individuals that will impact significantly on their lives. Promoting this in a positive, safe and caring environment will ensure all students are prepared as effectively as possible, to become confident and connected citizens, who contribute positively to Aotearoa.

Ngā mihi nui,

NZAIMS “Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa” Executive

Role of the Executive

The NZAIMS Executive is made up of 8 committed principals from across Aotearoa, who volunteer their time to advocate strongly for education in the middle years. We meet as an executive each term for two days and individually attend a wide range of sector groups. We also travel regionally to connect with our members.

Roles of the Executive

The executive focuses their efforts on being represented on key sector groups to inform and influence educational policy. We are committed to connecting members from our sector by engaging in a number of forums face to face and in digital spaces. We are highly aware of using current research and best practice to support middle years educators to be able to support adolescent ākonga effectively. We do this by providing age and stage appropriate professional learning, conferences and initiating current research.

Benefits of being a financial member of NZAIMS

  • Collective voice and advocacy at the highest levels of government, MOE, ERO, and create partnerships with other peak bodies within the sector
  • PLD, Conferences – Leadership, specialist and classroom teachers. Networking and support
  • Support for colleagues related to key middle schooling issues
  • Access to AIMs Games
  • Current research and best practice in response to Middle Schooling
  • Regionally connecting intermediate and middle school principals
  • Access to timely updates from peak body and other sector hui