Professional Learning
We have inspirational leaders and teachers
- To collaborate with appropriate providers to develop current age and stage research.
- Age and stage appropriate:
- Sector Leadership
- Specialist teacher development
- Pedagogy
- Research Paper commissioned with Victoria University to gather Leader, Teacher and Student perspectives to create IMS research
- National and Regional Conferences
- PLD responsive to Revised NZC
- Specialist Conference
- Smooth transition for IMS to Revised NZC
- International Coordinators (2024)
- IMS practitioners Counsellors, LSM, SENCO
- Inspirational learning networking and connection in IMS
- Pedagogical understanding of Intermediate Middle Schooling.
- Middle years leadership is recognised, valued and supported.
- Revised NZC is reflected in IMS pedagogy and learning outcomes.
- Leaders understand and competently nurtureĀ revised NZC within IMS year 7-10
- Specialist Programmes linked to revised NZC
- Ensure Global citizenship through International students programmes.