
Term 2

The Brief Winds of change are transforming education, with principals leading schools and their communities using their professional expertise. The winds of change continue to blow through the education sector but most principals I speak to are holding firm to what they know, what their communities ask of them and are letting their professional knowledge guide them.

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NZ Aims Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa

Name Change and 2024/25 Executive Elections finalised.

2024/25 Executive Election completed and NZAIMS “Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa” confirmed as the working name for our association. Among other business at the NZAIMS “Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa” Annual General Meeting yesterday, the name change to reflect Aotearoa’s bicultural status was confirmed unanimously.This embeds in our constitution and entity NZAIMS “Ngā Kura Takawaenga o Aotearoa”

Name Change and 2024/25 Executive Elections finalised. Read More »

A Middle Schooling Pathway

Providing purpose built, integrative curriculums that meet the specific developmental needs of emerging adolescents A Middle schooling pathway potentially optimises the learning opportunities of young people in the middle years of schooling. Such a pathway enhances their potential to live and work successfully in contemporary society, today and in the future. Middle schooling features the

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